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Defending Reproductive Rights

We need leaders in Congress who will be unequivocal and unafraid to speak out about our fundamental right to abortion. Julie is, and will always be, that champion. Even in California, where we have been leaders in protecting reproductive health care, there are rural communities without access to abortion care and communities that lack providers and services. 

In Congress, Julie will fight to defeat a national abortion ban and to codify our right to an abortion. Julie will work to create opportunity for those going into reproductive health care, a medical profession that has been disincentivized by extreme attacks on providers and those they serve. And Julie will work to fully fund reproductive health care – including cancer screenings, prenatal care, contraceptive services, and abortion. No American should lack the ability to make decisions about their body or their future because of the extreme beliefs of politicians.


Combatting Climate Change

Our district and this state have seen the ravages of climate change up close. Years of drought, rising sea levels, and catastrophic wildfires have been our “normal” for a generation. You don’t have to tell Californians that climate change is a real and urgent problem – we know that the time for action is now. We also know that, while our state has been out front in taking climate action, it will take real and focused attention at the national and global level to make meaningful change.

In Congress, Julie will carry that urgency with her daily. The fossil fuel industry fundamentally doesn’t want things to change, but for most Americans, change is in our best interest. By changing minds, we can create clean energy jobs, build healthier communities for our families and ensure corporate polluters pay for the damage they cause. Julie will use her ability to bring people together and find common ground to steer real progress on climate action, because we don’t have time to continue fighting about what is one of the biggest crises of our generation.

Bringing Down The Cost of Living

Julie fell in love with our region as an undergrad at Stanford and when the time came for her and her partner, Dan, to raise their family, they knew this was where we wanted to be. In 2000, the cost of buying a home was too much for their young family, so they partnered with Julie's mom and bought a home that the three of them could share. Today, 23 years later, the problem has only gotten worse. The public utility and essential workers, among others that fuel one of the wealthiest regions in the world can’t afford to live here. The tech companies that are innovating for the world are finding it harder and harder to recruit and retain the best and the brightest because the cost of living is too high.

Julie has been a fearless champion for innovative and thoughtful approaches to solving our housing crisis, so the educators, firefighters and families that serve our community can afford to live in it. As a parent, Julie knows that the cost of childcare is untenable for working families right now, a reality that was made worse by the closing of facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Julie will work to bring down the cost of childcare, get parents back into the workforce, and ensure that our next generation is able to grow and thrive. And, as someone who knows the reality of paying out of pocket for essential health services, Julie will ensure that every American can afford quality health care – from infancy through our senior years, for mental health care and prescription drugs, and everything in between. 


Gun Safety

Julie is fed up with the constant mass shootings and gun violence in our country. That's why she supports passing universal background checks, getting illegal guns off our streets, reinstating the assault weapons ban, and ensuring that criminals and people with severe mental illness do not have access to deadly weapons.

Protecting Democracy

Make no mistake, America is the world’s first multiracial, multiethnic, multi-religious Democracy. But this frightens the MAGA extremists, so they’re trying to deny the outcomes of elections while making it harder for many Americans to vote. The good news is that people of good will and conscience are rising to protect our nation and its people. Like you, I am one of them. The right to vote and the imperative that our elections process be followed is the foundation of our democracy.

In Congress, Julie will be an unwavering champion for this principle. Julie will support the Freedom to Vote Act, which will protect voting rights, end partisan gerrymandering, improve campaign finance, and safeguard the electoral process. Julie will also support the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act which will strengthen legal protections against discriminatory voting policies and practices. And Julie will support the Electoral College Reform Act to ensure that when we vote for President, each person’s vote has the same weight regardless of what state a person lives in. Together, we will do the work to protect and restore our most basic rights and freedoms. 

Paid for by Friends of Julie